Metro Blog

CAMTS Awards Reaccreditation to Metro Customers
The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) has awarded new accreditation to one medical transport service and reaccreditation to 23 services at the CAMTS April 2019 board meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
St. Vincent HELP Flight celebrates 40 years of care in Montana
St. Vincent HELP Flight celebrates 40 years of care in Montana June 13, 2019 Source: KTVQ Online HELP Flight celebrates this month its 40th anniversary of responding to emergencies in south-central Montana. The air ambulance service run out of St. Vincent Healthcare...
Metro first to STC H135 T3H air medical interior
Metro first to STC H135 T3H air medical interior June 20, 2019 As a leading completion center for the EC135/H135, Metro Aviation became the first to STC a medical interior for Airbus’ H135 T3H variant with Helionix. Outfitted for STAT MedEvac, the STC includes aspects...
Airmedic acquires EC145e helicopters for air medical transport
Airmedic acquires 3 EC145e's for air medical transport June 18, 2019 Source: Vertical Magazine As a leader in air medical transport across Quebec, Airmedic continues to grow thanks to the purchase of three new fully equipped EC145e helicopters. The company will rely...
Metro Completion Center receives EASA seal of approval
Metro Completion Center receives EASA seal of approval June 4, 2019 The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has issued a U.S. Approval Certificate to Metro Aviation as a Part-145 maintenance organization. EASA is responsible for the certification of aircraft...
UW Health offers first look at upgraded fleet
UW Health offers first look at upgraded fleet May 31, 2019 Metro Aviation and UW Health’s Med Flight partnership officially took flight today. Med Flight began serving its 250-mile radius service area with a fleet of three Airbus EC135’s and an EC145, completed by...
Metro honored for Manufacturing Excellence in Louisiana
Metro honored for Manufacturing Excellence in Louisiana May 21, 2019 Source: Louisiana Economic Development Companies from eight Louisiana regions cited for manufacturing quality and community service Louisiana Economic Development honored the state’s 2019 Lantern...
CAMTS awards reaccreditation to Metro customers
CAMTS awards reaccreditation to Metro customers May 1, 2019 Source: Vertical Magazine The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) has awarded new accreditation to one medical transport service and reaccreditation to 23 services at the CAMTS...
MedEvac Foundation International Awards MTLI Scholarships to Lisa Pruitt and Cory D. Oaks
MedEvac Awards MTLI Scholarships March 26, 2019 Source: MedEvac Foundation International The MedEvac Foundation International is pleased to announce Lisa Pruitt, Transport RN, Clinical Quality Coordinator of Critical Care Transport of Children’s Mercy, and Cory D....
Metro outfits mission-ready H125 for Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office
Metro outfits mission-ready h125 for Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office March 5, 2019 Metro recently outfitted an H125 for the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office based in Tampa, Fla. “This Airbus H125 aircraft and Metro Aviation’s designed and installed mission...
HealthNet Aeromedical Services strengthens fleet with EC145e
HealthNet Aeromedical Services strengthens fleet with EC145e March 7, 2019 HealthNet Aeromedical Services, a statewide hospital-based program headquartered in Charleston, West Virginia, announced an order for one EC145e helicopter from Metro Aviation as part of the...
Metro delivers first IFR certified EC145e
Metro delivers first IFR certified EC145e March 6, 2019 Metro Aviation announced today the delivery of the first Single/Dual Pilot Instrument Flight Rules-capable Airbus EC145e to GundersenAIR in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. “Having IFR capabilities assures that we are...
Airbus unveils H160 EMS concept by Metro Aviation for North American market
Airbus unveils H160 EMS cabin concept by Metro Aviation Source: Airbus Helicopters March 4, 2019 The next-generation H160 is debuting a new air medical interior concept at this year’s Heli Expo trade show, with a cabin-mock up on the Airbus Helicopters booth...
Kopter exhibits SH09 passenger transport configuration at Heli-Expo
Kopter exhibits SH09 passenger transport configuration at Heli-Expo February 19, 2019 Source: Vertical Magazine Kopter Group will have a high-profile participation at this year’s Heli-Expo show in Atlanta, Georgia, displaying a full-scale mock-up of its new SH09...
FLIGHTSAFETY and Metro celebrate five years of level d simulator training March 4, 2019 Source: FlightSafety International FlightSafety International and Metro Aviation celebrate five years of delivering training for single and multi-engine helicopters using Level D...
Genesys Aerosystems earns IFR certification for EC145e
Genesys Aerosystems earns IFR certification for EC145e February 18, 2019 Source: Genesys Aerosystems Two-axis IFR HeliSAS autopilot is designed for dual-pilot operations, while a three-axis IFR HeliSAS is certified for single-pilot operations Genesys Aerosystems...