Metro Blog

CAMTS Awards Reaccreditation to Metro Customers
The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) has awarded new accreditation to one medical transport service and reaccreditation to 23 services at the CAMTS April 2019 board meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
EC145e owners react to the aircraft’s performance
EC145e owners react to the aircraft’s performance January 28, 2020 Air medical program managers from around the country currently operating an EC145e have announced their support for this one-of-a-kind aircraft. HELI-EXPO 2020 attendees can see the airframe up-close...
EC145e closer to IFR approval from Transport Canada
EC145e closer to IFR approval from Transport Canada January 27, 2020 Metro Aviation today announced it’s moving closer to receiving Transport Canada certification for the Airbus EC145e’s IFR package. With support from Metro Aviation, Genesys AeroSystems and S-TEC...
Metro Aviation offers insider access to its completion center
Metro offers insider access to its completion center January 23, 2020 Metro Aviation today released a rare inside look at its completion process. With nearly 40 years of completion experience, customers have continuously praised the quality of work and unmatched...
RAMS celebrates two years of flight
RAMS celebrates two years of flight January 15, 2020 Source: Daily Mountain Eagle Regional Air Medical Services (RAMS) took flight two years ago today. RAMS, which is operated by Regional Paramedical Services, has handled nearly 800 patient transports since January...
Momentum for the EC145e spikes at AMTC
Momentum for the EC145e spikes at AMTC November 14, 2019 Metro Aviation moves on with six EC145e orders following the 2019 Air Medical Transport Conference, leaving 10 aircraft available for purchase. With orders in place before the conference, Metro saw increased...
University of Utah AirMed explores new role for mass casualty incidents
University of Utah AirMed explores new role for mass casualty incidents November 5, 2019 Source: Vertical Magazine Across the U.S., mass casualty incidents (MCIs) are becoming all too common. Single, horrific events — whether mass shootings, natural disasters, or...
Metro seeks STC for Stryker configurations in EC145
Metro seeks STC for Stryker configurations in EC145 November 5, 2019 Metro recently began the Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) process for the Stryker Performance Pro in the EC145. Metro initiated the process after the ground ambulance standard was changed...
Metro Aviation welcomes Duke Life Flight to the Metro Family
Metro Aviation welcomes Duke Life Flight to the Metro Family November 5, 2019 Duke Life Flight officially joined the Metro Family of operations customers. The hospital-based, traditional air medical program, part of Duke Health, will also be receiving two new EC145e...
Metro Aviation provides flight demos of the EC145e at AMTC
Metro Aviation provides flight demos of the EC145e at AMTC November 4, 2019 The EC145e will be prominently displayed during AMTC this year. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and the IFR-equipped GundersenAIR ships are on Metro Aviation’s booth, allowing attendees a...
Metro takes delivery of first EC145e made in U.S.
Metro takes delivery of first Airbus EC145e helicopter made in U.S. September 10, 2019 Source: Airbus Helicopters Airbus Helicopters Inc. has delivered to Metro Aviation Inc. the first EC145e produced at its U.S. assembly plant in Columbus, Miss. This latest aircraft...
Metro partners with Acadian Air Med to operate Life Air Rescue
Metro partners with Acadian to operate Life Air Rescue August 5, 2019 Life Air Rescue (LAR), Shreveport’s own helicopter emergency medical service, is woven tightly into the history of the Ark-La-Tex. From its beginnings as Life Eye 12, a partnership between KSLA...
Metro signs agreement with Kopter for 5 SH09s
Metro signs agreement with Kopter for 5 SH09s July 23, 2019 Source: Kopter Metro Aviation and Kopter have signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) formally recording Metro Aviation’s intent to purchase and take delivery of five SH09 helicopters following Federal...
Metro completing new H125 for Tulsa PD
Metro completing new H125 for Tulsa PD July 18, 2019 Metro Aviation is nearing completion of a new Airbus H125 aircraft for the Tulsa Police Department’s Air Support Unit. The single-engine aircraft is scheduled for delivery in August. “The completion process has...
Airmedic debuts EC145e at APSCON
Airmedic debuts EC145e at APSCON July 15, 2019 Outfitted by a world-renowned completion team, an Airbus EC145e, belonging to Quebec-based Airmedic, will publicly debut on July 17, 2019, during the Airborne Public Safety Conference (APSCON) at the Metro Aviation booth...
Mercy’s Life Line celebrates 35 years of service
Mercy's Life Line celebrates 35 years of service June 28, 2019 Source: KY3 Online Mercy Life Line air ambulance service is celebrating 35 years of accident-free service with a free, family-friendly community safety expo on Saturday, June 29. Mercy will have a Life...