Metro Blog 

CAMTS Awards Reaccreditation to Metro Customers

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) has awarded new accreditation to one medical transport service and reaccreditation to 23 services at the CAMTS April 2019 board meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

MedForce Joins Metro Family

MedForce Joins Metro Family

MEDFORCE JOINS METRO FAMILY August 26, 2020 MedForce Aeromedical Transport is the newest air medical service to join the Metro Family.  Founded in 2000, the Quad City helicopter emergency service has provided transport in and around Eastern Iowa, West-Central...

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MedFlight celebrates 25 years of service

MedFlight celebrates 25 years of service

MedFlight celebrates 25 years of service  April 20, 2020 Source: Vertical Magazine In 1995, Columbus, Ohio-based Grant Medical Center and Ohio State University Medical Center consolidated LifeFlight and SkyMed, the hospitals’ helicopter critical-care services, into a...

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Making the military-to-civilian transition

Making the military-to-civilian transition

Making the military-to-civilian transition  March 5, 2020 Source: Vertical Magazine “If I need another helicopter pilot, I’ll just go down to Bourbon Street and pull one out of the gutter.” Incredibly enough, this oft-quoted commentary on the perceived disposable...

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Metro Regional Safety Manager Honored by FAA

Metro Regional Safety Manager Honored by FAA

Metro Aviation Regional Safety Manager Honored by FAA    February 5, 2020 To say that Don Lambert has a wealth of experience and knowledge is an understatement.  Since 1970, he has served in various maintenance and safety roles for companies like Airbus (then MBB...

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