by Kristen Holmes | Jun 20, 2019 | Metro News
Metro first to STC H135 T3H air medical interior June 20, 2019 As a leading completion center for the EC135/H135, Metro Aviation became the first to STC a medical interior for Airbus’ H135 T3H variant with Helionix. Outfitted for STAT MedEvac, the STC includes aspects...
by Kristen Holmes | Jun 18, 2019 | Metro News
Airmedic acquires 3 EC145e’s for air medical transport June 18, 2019 Source: Vertical Magazine As a leader in air medical transport across Quebec, Airmedic continues to grow thanks to the purchase of three new fully equipped EC145e helicopters. The company will...
by Kristen Holmes | Jun 4, 2019 | Metro News
Metro Completion Center receives EASA seal of approval June 4, 2019 The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has issued a U.S. Approval Certificate to Metro Aviation as a Part-145 maintenance organization. EASA is responsible for the certification of aircraft...
by Kristen Holmes | May 31, 2019 | Metro News
UW Health offers first look at upgraded fleet May 31, 2019 Metro Aviation and UW Health’s Med Flight partnership officially took flight today. Med Flight began serving its 250-mile radius service area with a fleet of three Airbus EC135’s and an EC145, completed by...
by Kristen Holmes | May 29, 2019 | Metro News
Metro honored for Manufacturing Excellence in Louisiana May 21, 2019 Source: Louisiana Economic Development Companies from eight Louisiana regions cited for manufacturing quality and community service Louisiana Economic Development honored the state’s 2019 Lantern...
by Kristen Holmes | May 14, 2019 | Metro News
CAMTS awards reaccreditation to Metro customers May 1, 2019 Source: Vertical Magazine The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) has awarded new accreditation to one medical transport service and reaccreditation to 23 services at the CAMTS...