July 29, 2014

The Airbus AS365 “Dauphin” platform was a pioneer for Single Pilot IFR (SPIFR) and has transported critically ill or injured patients for years. The Dauphin is known for excellent performance, long range and passenger comfort. However, there has not been a fully STC’d, repeatable fleet configuration until now.

Metro Aviation recently received a FAA Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for an AS365 N3+ medical interior using the same technology in recent EC155 B1 models, also completed by Metro Aviation.

“We have developed a pattern that will prove to be repeatable, user friendly and attainable,” said Metro Aviation Managing Director Milton Geltz. “We are excited about the renewed interest in both the AS365 and the EC155 airframes.

The medical interior includes a primary patient carbon fiber stretcher on track and swivel and secondary patient provisions, aft and forward facing medical attendance seats, a third seat in the cabin for training or a family member, two-piece machined medical floor, plus forward and aft communication panels. The STC also includes dual oxygen and suction outlets, dual suction pumps, medical inverter, aft storage cabinet and a 10-liter Liquid Oxygen (LOX) orb.

Metro Aviation has received more than 20 STC’s and is a worldwide provider of completion services for numerous aircraft and mission types.

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Metro Aviation is constantly growing our capabilities and expanding our reach. Metro holds more than 30 Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) and completes about 35 aircraft each year for U.S. customers and global clients.